
Here is the collection of the various posts regarding art/graphics and design on this blog:

Digital/Graphic art:
Realistic digital art

Neat stop-motion video(Alexandre Dubosc's "Food about you")
Proteigon: Geometric Stop-Motion Short

Amazing optical illusion paintings
3D Mural Paintings
Amazing 3D street paintings/chalk-art
"Sand Fantasies" by Ilana Yahav ("Painting" with sand)
More "Sand Fantasies" by Ilana Yahav (Continuation of sand "paintings")
A simple wall painting
Spray paintings
Paper Marbling, or "ebru"
3D double sketch-book drawings by Nagai Hideyuki

Gum art
Smoke art in bottles
Food Carvings
Huge Sand painting art
Incredible kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco
Creative shadow/reflection art
Classic portraits carved in Oreo cookie
Ten cakes that look like other dishes
Keira Rathbone's Typewriter pictures
Painted hand art

Paper art:
Skull carved of books
Amazing city of paper
Dollar Bill origami art by Won Parker

Reassembled flowers
Liquid drop photography
Underwater ink photography
"Falling stars" by Lee Eunyeol
Landscapes Vol. 1 & 2 by Dustin Farrell

Pysanky eggs - How to/Collection

Wood burning, or "Pyrography" art

15 Almost invisible sculptures
Melted ice cream truck sculpture
The Book igloo


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