Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dollar Bill origami art by Won Parker

Origami master Won Parker doesn't do his art with construction paper, but with dollar bills. He twists and folds something that we take for granted everyday, and makes amazingly intricate origami figures with it. The original texture of the bill seems to make an interesting addition as well, and he takes advantage of this by using various swirls or patterns as emphasis in the design. It's kind of expensive to do, being about two dollars per figure, but it's really quite neat.

And Won Parker isn't an origami master in his art alone, but his home is an ordinary garbage truck that he converted into a full-fledged flat. 

How he manages to fit all of that into a garbage truck is beyond me, just like his origami dollars are!

                 ~ Source unknown to me, but all of the photos belong to Won Parker.


JohnBob said...

My friend Rudy is obsessed over origami. I just sent him an email with this link, and I bet tomorrow at school he would already have the instructions memorized and is cranking out copies to give to the girls of the class.
I love the garbage truck house! Home is where the empty plastic bottles that fill landfills are!

-JB (not Justin Bieber)

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that you aren't Justin Bieber. ;)

Well, I hope your friend finds it helpful! I would suggest that he doesn't use dollars though. And thanks for spreading my blog around - the more people viewing, the merrier as far as I'm concerned. In fact, I'd really appreciate it if you told anyone else you know about it as well! =D

Home is also where the table scraps and old tissues were at one time...I have to wonder about how sanitary it is living in an old garbage truck, come to think of it.

Thanks for commenting!

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